There is some great information in this months Knowledge Shop Newsletter!
Below are just a few of the topics that are touched on in the newsletter.
Feel free to contact our office if you have any queries.
Single Touch Payroll - From 1 July 2019, single touch payroll – the direct reporting of salary and wages, PAYG withholding and superannuation contribution information to the ATO – will apply to all employers. What employers need to report will also be extended to include certain salary sacrificed amounts.
Legislation in Limbo - Extension of the $20k Instant Asset Write-Off, Removing the CGT main residence exemption for non-residents, Employee Superannuation Guarantee amnesty, Craft Beer Excise Changes, Future Drought Fund and Curbing payday loans and rent-to-buy schemes.
Other - Benefits during emergencies exempt from FBT and International Women's Day; Has anything changed?
Click Here to Access the PDF Newsletter.